Game Portfolio Self Evaluation (in prep for Ludum Dare 47)

Ludum Dare 47, a weekend long global gamejam, is coming up in a few weeks. In order to prep for the event, I decided to take the time for review and reflect on my game portfolio to see what I learning objective and goals I can set for myself.

My Portfolio

What was that? You wanted to know where to find and play my games?! Well then, if you're inclined to try some of my games (and hopefully leave some feedback), here they are:

  • Vagabond Game -> A top-down Unity based prototype where I learned the technical ropes of putting together a small, game experience, with narrative, graphics, and animation.
  • Car Scientist -> My first gamejam submission and evolution of the Vagabond Game prototype, except this time built in Godot.
  • Little Shop of Wall Street -> My Ludum Dare 46 submission, co-authored by D'Arcy Lussier where you trade stocks online in order to feed an interesting plant, before it feeds on YOU!

David Wesst

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